Sylvia Matas
In Every Direction

In Every Direction consists of images and text. There is no narrative—it is more of an incomplete collection of information that describes overlapping mental and physical environments. There are references to (among other things) sound and movement through time and space, in and out of intensity and in and out of focus.

Self published
ISBN: 978-1-927371-07-7
6.125 in x 7.25 in, 94 pp, black and white laser, perfect binding, 2011
Edition of 100
$75 CAD

More info:

Sylvia Matas is an interdisciplinary artist. She grew up in Winnipeg, and after living in China, Montreal and London (where she received her MFA in 2008) she has returned home. Her work has been exhibited both locally and internationally.

“My work explores the complexity of the human experience via universal themes such as time, space, mind, cosmology, nature and a personal curiosity with existing in an inexplicable world.”

Financial assistance for this project was provided by the City of Winnipeg 
through the Winnipeg Arts Council.

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