Ivonne Dippmann
Meine Feindseligkeiten Sind Gerechtfertigt Verteilt [My Hostilities Are Distributed In A Justified Way]

Meine Feindseligkeiten Sind Gerechtfertigt Verteilt [My Hostilities Are Distributed In A Justified Way] is a book, which is an archive of a work process throughout the past five years of living and working in Israel. MFSGV shows a personal approach and companionship of a young, upcoming German artist within a foreign country, its history, and cultural identity. Based on a deep and complex relationship within German and Israeli history – in a very subtle and sensitive way – you may get to know a person who works her way through the themes and contradictions of the Middle East. By choosing Israel as a center of living and work, the intention of this book is to present a thought process which aims to be free of restrictions, conventional stereotypes and preconceived ideas in a place which is very much “troubled” throughout past centuries ever since. On one hand by being very close and to the spot physically, but on the other hand by being continuously distant through a lack of experience and cultural identity, one feels the depth and the struggle within this journey. This book aims to manifest a point of view which is relevant and needed in times of intercultural competence, tolerance, dialogue and sustainability. Through the dialogue, Between the monstrously violent and the sublime good, between the two Israeli Philosophers Joseph Cohen and Raphael Zagury-Orly, the theme and the context of this work becomes its very political though personal touch.

Published by Revolver Publishing
ISBN: 978-3-86895-326-8
23.7×16.6 cm, 336 pp, full colour offset, open thread binding with a slipcase, 2013
Edition of 700
44 Euro

More info: http://www.ivonnedippmann.eu

Available from: http://www.revolver-books.de/

“Since the beginning of my work the artistic discourse is situated very much within
the aesthetics and appearance of my environment”, says Ivonne Dippmann of her own work. However, she changed her environment constantly. Born and raised 1981 in Karl-Marx-Stadt, former East Germany, a city that has changed its name twice within fifty years. No place that would guarantee consistency, unless for a constancy of change and loss. Since Dippmann has left her hometown, she made stations in the United States, in the Basque country in Spain and lived in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Berlin. The origin can not explain what happens in her work, and it would also be one-dimensional to look for a simple and simplistic basis in this bundle, which defines it – technique, expression, style and color, a will and political passion which seeks for space and its power being transformed into images. Nevertheless, the place where a drawing, graphic or other image of work is produced, plays a special role. Ivonne Dippmann generally starts from relatively small-scale drawings. A starting point, a beginning, because these small formats will later encounter a different situation, an exhibition space, a stage or a book. They will transform themselves in order to adapt to a new room. Nothing remains as it was and if Dippmann uses templates – which were originally used as illustrations for a book – and converts them into large-scale murals combined with colorful yarns stretched within a space, it creates a unique effect. Because she phrases a no man’s land, which is both politically and geographically allocated. A paradoxical everywhere.

Revolver was founded in 1999 as a platform for the mediation of the very young, contemporary art scene, and has published almost 500 titles with Christoph Kellers direction. The specific publishing profile is devoted to conceptual artists books, international exhibition catalogues, various writing series on contemporary art, as well as children books by artists, readers, monographies and audio-/video projects. With a growing number of up to 150 new releases per year, a global distribution network on four continents and numerous collaborations with the most significant exhibition institutions, REVOLVER in the meantime enjoys a worldwide reputation as a cutting-edge-publisher with outstandingly progressive design. Although most of the individual publications have small print runs (between 500 and 4,000 copies), REVOLVER has been able to launch some popular titles, like Hans Ulrich Obrists Do It!, the books from the Peter Piller Archives series and a volume on Adolf Hitlers cultural lectures, edited by Robert Eikmeyer and Christoph Keller. Furtheron, REVOLVER has won a number of prizes and grants, e.g. The most beautiful German books,The most beautiful Swiss books, Red Dot Award, and Fröbus Art and Design Award. A lot of accompanying and curatorial activities might show that REVOLVER is much more than just a publishing house: projects like the exhibition space Am Parlamentsplatz, Frankfurt (2002-2004), the residency program Saltuna The Baltic Sea Experience (Bornholm & Rooseum, Malmö), and the long running archive/exhibition series KIOSK (currently exhibited at ICA London) show the broad bandwith of mediation REVOLVER is engaged in.

Publisher’s website: http://www.revolver-books.de/

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