Maryse Larivière
Something has to change for everything to stay as it is. Something had to change for everything to stay as it was.

Taking imaginative liberties with the interview form, Maryse Larivière’s publication Something has to change for everything to stay as it is. Something had to change for everything to stay as it was. discusses art and politics amidst issues of feminism and Canadian history with a little help from ‘Margaret Trudeau’. Published for the exhibition Something has to change for everything to stay as it is. Something had to change for everything to stay as it was. April 2012 at Parker Branch in London, Ontario, Canada.

Self published
ISBN: 978-2-924191-02-6
7×14 cm, 14 pp, black and white laser, staple bound, 2012
Edition of 250

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Maryse Larivière is an artist whose practice encompasses dreamed realities, psychoanalytic examinations, reposts to published work, reiterations and collaborations. Her work inhabits performance, video, sculpture and writing, among other media. She has recently been exhibited at Parker Branch (London), Clint Roenisch (Toronto), and Cité des Arts (Paris). Her unorthodox art writings have appeared in Esse arts+opinions, Pelt, Grace and Pages of Vapour. She was awarded the Les Inclassables residency at Villa Arson (Nice) in 2006, and will be travelling to Scotland for a residency at the CCA (Glasgow) in 2014. Larivière is also co-founder of Pavilion Projects (Montréal), which has exhibited contemporary art projects since 2003. Originally from Montreal, Larivière received her MFA from Guelph University in 2011. She is currently a PhD. candidate in Art & Visual Culture at the University of Western Ontario.

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